PHP technology
Being a server side scripting language PHP has many advantages over the other web languages. It is quick, reliable and cost effective for any website or web application development as it can easily be embaded in to HTML. PHP has good compatibilty with most data bases and it is a less complicated language to learn and implement.
As PHP is one of the most popular scripting language in the current scenario we can see the great transformation and upgrade in its standards. It has enhanced it's support for creative developers to a very wide extent. LabdhiBS has taken this in to consideration and has developed a team working on core technology of PHP. The team can take up the functional challenges and deliver the best solutions using PHP core functions.
As per the recent developing trends we can there are many ready to customize solutions are available in PHP in form of pen sources and frame works which make a job of developer quite efficient and quick. Being a team of core technology LabdhiBS's team can compile and execute any open source and frame work in less time. LabdhiBs can deliver the projects and functionalities required more efficiently as where the others face difficulties for execution due to an unexpected requirement which needs to done out side an opensource or frame work's predefined solutions, we can develop that with our core strength.