Creative Design and Animation
“With us, animate the world of your imagination”
At Labdhi Business Solutions the creative work is segmented in three major areas Designing, Animation and Gaming Environment. The creative team works on different aspects of designing and somehow contributes to your branding strategies. The design used covering the various aspects of the business processes become the identity of a company that we understand the best and create the best for our clients.
Design, The word itself is very lure. It has something that keeps every one hold their breaths for a moment. A word that excites us every time. It brings some strange thrill and makes people very much keen for the next thing to be viewed. Then if it is not up to the mark it annoys and Labdhi Business Solutions does not want to annoy any of its clients. This only spirit of creative designers at Labdhi Business Solutions makes them stand out in the queue of the other designers.
At Labdhi Business Solutions we create,
- Logos
- Corporate Identity
- Banners
- Corprate Presentations
- Campaigns
- Packaging
- News letters
Animation is something which is claimed by so many companies on the web but very few of them are having dedicated expertise work force in house and we are one of them. We animate the world of your imagination. Labdhi Business Solutions does not claim to be the best and the most cost effective in the segment, but prove it. Labdhi Business Solutions has skilled resources to serve the best to the clients over the following aspects of Animation.
- Story board design (2D & 3D)
- Concept development
- Story development
- Character design
- 3D Modeling (low/high)
- Texturing
- Rigging
- Skinning
- Lighting
- Compositing
- Rendering